Referral to Beyond Housing

Referral details

If your organisation name does not appear, choose other and type the name in the text box provided.

Referral to

Options: ITAR, Tenancy Plus, STAR

Consent & Safety


Primary renter information

Gender Options: Female, Male, Other, Prefer not to say
must contain 10 characters
Options: Neither, Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander, Both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander

Additional household members

Gender Options: Female, Male, Other, Prefer not to say

Current tenancy information

Use approximate if unknown


Income source, including realisable assets, for example; Centrelink, wages, investment
Previous tenancy charges
Oustanding debts if known

Identified risk and support needs

Current and previous support provider/s


Personal supports contact details

Background, case notes for referral

(If this referral is being made under duty of care, please note why and how you have attempted to contact the renter to gain consent)

Duty of Care: One of the objectives of the Housing Act 1983 (Vic) is to promote security and a variety of tenure for all tenants and information to be disclosed pursuant to Information Privacy Principles. Principle 2.1 (d) – the organisation reasonably believes that the use of disclosure is necessary to lessen or prevent serious (and imminent) threat to an individual’s life or their (or the public’s), health, safety or welfare. Therefore for the purpose of a referral this section allows for the disclosure of tenant information without prior consent and without breaching the Information Privacy Principles.

Managers endorsement (Tenancy Plus only)

Draw signature|Type signatureClear

BeyondHousing only

Referral outcome